Monday, April 29, 2019

Star Wars . . . May the Force be with You

Unless you are Star Wars fan, you may not recognize the significance of this week. This coming Saturday is May 4th, which to Caleb, is a big deal. This day, according to Wikipedia, is Star Wars Day. Why May 4th? Because May 4th sounds like, "May the force," as in the famous line spoken by Jedi's, "May the Force be with you."

So in honor of this unofficial "holiday" of sorts, I've decided to showcase some of my (many) Star Wars layouts, and to make my son smile.

These layouts are all from our Baking Memories 4 Kids dream trip to Give Kids the World Village and Disney World.

When the staff at Give Kids the World Village found out that Caleb was a Star Wars fan, they staged a fun surprise meet and greet for the boys. They called in Star Wars fans, who came in costume to play with the kids. A staff person came out to greet the boys and said, "There are some people here that would like to meet you." When they opened the doors the boys went crazy! There was a moving R2D2, a Storm Trooper, a Tuscan Raider, and Jedi students. They lightsaber battled with the boys for over a hour!

Scrapbooking Tips:

I had so many photos, but I forced myself to one layout - with a creative twist.

The layout you see above contains 13 photos. I used black cardstock for the base and laid out 12 of the photos in a grid formation. I then cut down a piece of specialty "Star Wars" paper to fill in the left page. I adhered my 5x7 group shot and added a Star Wars die cut that I order from a specialty scrapbooking company called Scrap Your Trip. I added a top and bottom red border to compliment the red light saber in the die cut title.

When I put this layout in the album, I added a half page insert with additional 4x6 photos that could not be cropped down, and my journaling. By doing this, I kept this event to one layout, but was able to add some extra (adorable!) photos.

For amazing die cuts and specialty paper, especially if you're working on a Disney album, visit It's an amazing website where I purchase unique and creative papers and embellishments. I also find them to be reasonably priced in comparison to other companies offering comparable products. This is the first place I go when I start scrapping a vacation album!

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