Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Watering the Flowers

This is one of those moments with a toddler that can't help but make you smile. For some reason, Zach had shed his shorts, put on a swim diaper, but got sidetracked when he saw a watering can on the porch. I had to keep from laughing as I saw him come out in a polo shirt, his sneakers, and a swim diaper! This kid probably made ten trips in and out of the bathroom, filling up the watering can, and watering the tiger lillies out front. Too cute!

Scrapbooking Techniques:
This was a fun layout to put together and it features one of my favorite techniques - using strips of brightly colored paper to create a background! 

One way I stretch my stash of letter stickers is to mix and match when it comes to creating titles. Many times, I will use tiny letter stickers to spell out the smaller words in my titles, such as: the, and, of, a, in, etc, like I did in this title. It also can be more aesthetically pleasing because you can scrunch a title to fit in a smaller place, or more easily center it because you don't have to fit in the full size letter stickers.  

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