Friday, April 10, 2020

Brothers are Better than Super Heroes

In our house, brothers (& step sisters) are better than super heroes! While I do not have the same experience or perspective as my kids, I can only imagine how hard it must be to have a special needs sibling. As hard as I try, I know there are times where Caleb's needs demand more of my time, attention and resources.

I can't begin to tell you how much "guilt" I could carry as a parent. I feel guilty when I suggest an activity for the kids that Caleb can not participate in, such as jumping on the trampoline. If  I recommend they play video games, which Caleb loves and excels at, I feel guilty because I'm encouraging something sedentary and non-educational. And don't even get me started on finding accessible activities to do on vacation that the whole family enjoys!

Zach has been Caleb's best buddy his entire life. When Caleb would drop a toy, Zach would pick it up. If Caleb needed his iPad plugged in or video game changed,  Zach would help him. As soon as Zach was big enough to move from his crib to toddler bed, he would come get me if Caleb ever needed anything at night. He would tip toe to me and announce, "Cawub needs sumptin [something]."

Since 2017, when treatment for SMA became available, Caleb's doctors appointments and treatments have greatly increased, and his care providers are three hours away. Zach and Alyssia have come along for the ride, many times by choice, to be supportive of Caleb. It melts my heart to see how much they're willing to support their brother.

I've done many layouts documenting Caleb's medical treatments, but when I saw these pictures of Zach, I just knew I had to do a layout on what an awesome brother he is. I knew exactly what papers I wanted to use - Echo Park's Imagine That line because it had some super hero embellishments - and that is what Zach is to Caleb - a SUPER HERO!

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